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SensDx is an Innovative Company in the Innovator of Mazovia competition!


We are awarded and honored in the Innovative Company category during the Final of the 13th edition of the Innovator Mazowsza competition for FluSensor SensDx – developing a solution for detecting the influenza virus at an early stage of infection!

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We got a self-test certification!


We are pleased to announce that from today it will be possible to use Flu SensDx at home!

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Good Design 2020 New Technologies award for Flu SensDx


SensDx received the Good Design 2020 New Technologies award for Flu SensDx – a mobile diagnostic platform for pathogen detection!

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SensDx Employees in the Implementation Doctorate Program!


A significant challenge ahead of us!

Although we are a young startup, we are participating in the Implementation Doctorate Program. Five of our employees have just started their Ph.D. studies in SensDx and Wroclaw University of Science and Technology and Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences. The studies include new technological problems which we are going to solve.

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Growing availability of our products across Poland!


We are growing! Our digital diagnostic platforms for influenza virus detection are now available in over 100 medical facilities across Poland!

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SensDx at the Palace Startup Gala: Expansion


SensDx S.A. was awarded in the competition we attended the 5th Startups in Palace: Expansion initiated by the President of Poland, Mr. Andrzej Duda!

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SensDx S.A. at Medica 2019 in Düsseldorf


We were at Medica 2019 in Düsseldorf with our team of: Katarzyna Pala, Sabina Żołędowska, Dawid Nidzworski and Tomasz Gondek. Our team in the Startup Zone presented our company, our products on sale and plans for the future.

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A groundbreaking achievement – ISO 13485:2016!


We are proud to announce that we obtained ISO 13485:2016 certificate – one of the most strict and demanding! It covers design and development, manufacture and distribution of in vitro diagnostic rapid tests used in the detection of the upper respiratory tract infections. This stands for the quality of our products and shows the effort we put in product development.

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Mobi like a stethoscope!


Our product as popular as a stethoscope? The interview with Tomasz Gondek – the CEO of SensDx – for Poland In!

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For Dubai!


Our technology of ultra-sensitive diagnostic test runs for the Social Development and Provision of Services Award in Global Best Practice Programme Expo Dubai 2020!

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We multiply pathogens!


Puls Biznesu about SensDx S.A. and our development in article:

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SensDx recommended for Polish Technological Bridges!


SensDx was recommended in the first call of the Polish Investment & Trade Agency (PAIH) project – Polish Technological Bridges! We are in the group of 50 small and medium Polish #enterprises with the highest number of points. We will receive comprehensive, including financial and substantive support in developing and implementing expansion strategy for Australia’s and India’s market.

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dr Dawid Nidzworski as the Most Creative!


dr Dawid Nidzworski – CTO of SensDx is among the 25 most Creative in the ranking of 50 Most Creative in Business by Brief magazine. Results were announced during the Grand Final Gala of the 9th edition of this Competition at the Indigo Hotel in Warsaw.

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Cooperation with Synoptis Industrial


Tomasz Gondek – CEO of SensDx and Tomasz Nawrocki – CEO of Synoptis Industrial confirmed partnership on production activity of innovative flu diagnostic test. Tomasz Nawrocki said: “This is a great start of long and successful cooperation delivering world first flu diagnosis device to the market. I’m thrilled Synoptis is part of this unique project and will be part if it’s international commercial success.”

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SensDx S.A. a sponsor of scholarships in the START Program


SensDx SA, together with the Institute of Biotechnology and Molecular Medicine (IBMM), was a partner of the START program. We funded one of the scholarships during the ceremony of giving scholarships to the START program of the Foundation for Polish Science is in progress. Dawid Nidzworski – CTO SensDx and the President of IBMM represented us at the event. Congratulations to everyone who has been awarded!

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The Annual Meet-up of The Top 500 Innovators & Polish American Innovation Bridge


Katarzyna Pala, BEng, PhD – Business Development Director in an interview for Top 500 Innovators.

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T4M – Technology for Medical Devices in Stuttgart


SensDx S.A. was one among exhibitors at T4M – Technology for Medical Devices. It is a combination of a trade fair, forums, workshops and networking, that attracts exhibitors from all important areas of medical technology from around the world, such as FANUC Germany, Citizen Machinery Europe, Gindele, FOBA Laser Marking + Engraving Alltec or XIMEA. Over 55 new companies will present their innovations at the pitching stage, including SensDx.

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Medical Devices Conference in Boston

We were at the 3rd Medical Devices Conference in Boston (World BI). This is one of the largest conferences in the USA dedicated to medical devices, it shows what’s happening in the industry and discusses current trends. Tomasz Gondek presented our diagnostic test.

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Dawid Nidzworski for TVP1


The popular science program of Radek Brzózka Jak to działa? On TVP VOD with the participarion of dr. eng. Dawid Nidzworski – CTO of SensDx S.A.

Link to audition

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Stefan Müllner, PhD joins the the SensDx SA Advisory Board


Stefan Müllner, PhD – the long time CEO of the autoimmune diagnostic specialist Protagen AG, Dortmund, Germany, with strong industrial background from management and board positions in the pharma (Hoechst, Aventis), biotech (Maltagen, Phenion, BiotEx, SusTech) consumer products (Henkel) and venture capital industries (fundamenta Capital) and  has joined the Advisory Board of SensDx SA.

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Cadre of the Future

Our CEO – Tomasz Gondek presented “SensDx – case study” at the Congress Center in the Wrocław University of Technology. He talked about creating our diagnostic test and the recognizable startup in Europe. The organizers of the event were the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, National Center for Research and Development, Wrocław University of Technology and Łukasiewicz Research Network – PORT Polish Center for Technology Development.

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Disrupting MedTEech with Kasia Pala


Katarzyna Pala – Business Development Director of SensDx S.A. in podcast for VenturePoland!

VPP009 Disrupting MedTech with Kasia Pala

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DMEA 2019


We were one of the only nine European companies at DMEA – the largest event in Europe for the medicalindustry in the Digital Health area! We presented our diagnostic test, we met the industry, we participated in symposia, we visited the Trade Fair. We also presented our company and product to an international assembly of experts along with Kasia Pala, Tomasz Gondek, and Dawid Nidzworski.

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XXIV International Congress of the Nationwide Health Care System (OSOZ)


Sabina Żołędowska and Marcin Hałupka represented SensDx S.A. at the XXIV International Congress of the Nationwide Health Care System (OSOZ): Hospital Treatment – Second Health Care Line at OSOZ Platform on April 9th, 2019 at the International Congress Center in Katowice, Poland.

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First place for SensDx in the Future Diagnostic category at Roche Innovation Summit


On 18th June 2018 SensDx Digital Diagnostics presented itself at the prestigious Roche Innovation Summit in Basel. Among 150 individually invited companies from MedTech industry, SensDx got into Top 4 winning the category of Future Diagnostics in this way.

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SensDx at the meeting with the Polish goverment


SensDx, as a beneficiary of the National Center for Research and Development projects, was invited to the ceremony approved The Constitution for Science by the Council of Ministers.

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An article by SensDx Researchers in Top 100 Scientific Reports Nature magazine


An article, written by our SensDx Researchers, published in the prestigious Scientific Reports Nature magazine was chosen one of the top 100 in 2017!

Scientific Reportspublished more than 5000 chemistry papers in 2017, and so a position in the top 100 most highly read articles is an extraordinary achievement and great distinction for us.

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SensDx will be presented at the Start-Up Academy Medtec Europe 2018


On November 29, 2017 SensDx won the international competition EIT Health InnoStars and became the first prize winner of € 30,000. Now he has a chance in the next prestigious competition. The SensDx’ s technology have been selected to showcase the product at the Start-Up Academy, Medtec Europe 2018.

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NEUCA Group – leader of the Polish health market invests in SensDx


Neuca Med, subsidiary of NEUCA Group, leading supplier of health products and services in Poland, acquired 24,9% of SensDx shares

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Alex Klarman joined the SensDx team


Alex Klarman joined the SensDx team and he is going to support the company in its international expansion, in particular in the field of Farming 4.0 (precision farming). Dr. Klarman is famous all over the world for his management activity and is the leading expert in the field of critical chain management as well as appreciated authority in the Theory of Constraints (TOC).

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SensDx won the “EIT Health InnoStars Awards” prize


On November 29, 2017 SensDx won the international “EIT Health InnoStars Awards” prize from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and received € 30,000. During the final in Naples, selected in two consecutive stages of this prestigious competition, innovative companies from Italy, Portugal, Greece, Hungary and Poland presented their technology, but SensDx was the best!

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SensDx participated in the MEDICA 2017 Healthcare Brokerage Event


SensDx participated in the MEDICA 2017 Healthcare Brokerage Event. This is an exclusive event for companies – part in the pilot program SME Instruments of the European Innovation Council (EIC), pertaining to the European Commission. SensDx was selected and invited to this global meeting of small and medium companies in the medical sector. 

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SensDx in Scientifics Reports Nature magazine


The prestigious Scientifics Reports Nature magazine published an article, written by our SensDx Researchers. It is an online, open access journal from the publishers of Nature, which publishes scientifically valid primary research from all areas of the natural and clinical sciences.

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SensDx in the third and final stage of EIT Health InnoStars contest


SensDx qualified to the third and final stage of the prestigious Innostars contest! At the end of November 8 innovative companies will present not only their technology, but also their business idea in front of experienced consultants.

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SensDx representatives at Asia Pacific MedTech Forum


Asia Pacific MedTech Forum is one of the biggest and most important events in Asia for the MedTech sector. It took place from 7th to 9th November 2017 in the prestigious The Star Performing Arts Center in Singapure. This year the main them was ‘Transforming Healthcare through Innovation’.

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SensDx S.A.

District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw in Warsaw
XIII Commercial Department of the National Court Register

KRS: 0000740748

NIP: 5213679076

REGON: 147422840

Share capital: 100 000 zł (paid in full)


ul. Kampinoska 25, 80-180 Gdańsk

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ul. Kampinoska 25, 80-180 Gdańsk

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ul. Kampinoska 25, 80-180 Gdańsk

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